Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beowulf... is it good or bad

Hey, hope you are having a good week.
My class is going to read beowulf, and i have heard it is good and others say it is bad. MY teacher says it is good but all teachers will say that about a book the class is going to read. People all so say the movie is good but does not go with the book much. There is so many sides to this movie i do not know what to think. If you got any help to make this more clear please comment. Thanks. Brian

1 comment:

  1. ok this is how it is im gunna break it down for u.. you remeber Titanic? yea well you know boat sinks everyone dies? yea same with all these mythilogical books and storys they take an average guy and make him a god in the eyes of people whether the story is good or not idk but hey i got u a little closer ;)
